Our Story

Building Pathways to Independence and Support

Welcome to Pathways to Support, your trusted support brokerage offering dedicated and personalized services to adults with developmental disabilities. We’re driven by a singular mission – to empower our clients, enhancing their quality of life, and nurturing their potential to lead independent, fulfilling lives. We understand the complexity of the service system and strive to ensure that individuals and families can navigate it with ease and confidence.

  • Personalized Support Planning

  • Assistance in Identifying Suitable Services

  • Mediation between Families and Care Providers

  • Support with State Resource Utilization

  • Continued Monitoring and Adjustment of Support Plan

At Pathways to Support, we believe in the uniqueness of each individual. Our services are not ‘one-size-fits-all’, but are tailored to suit the distinct needs of each client. Our team of experienced professionals ensures you receive the highest standard of support, every step of the way. Join us on a journey towards independence and an enriched life.

Our Founder

Suzanne Schwarz, our dedicated CEO/Founder, brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to Pathways to Support. Her vision and commitment are pivotal in shaping our values, ensuring that we consistently deliver the highest standard of care. Under her leadership, we have prioritized personalized, compassionate support, always putting the needs of our clients first.

Suzanne Schwarz
Suzanne Schwarz
Suzanne Schwarz, the heart and soul of Pathways to Support, is a renowned figure in the field of personalized support services.

An education consultant, assessment and therapeutic treatment specialist, Suzanne’s experience spans across multiple decades and organizations. With a career that commenced as a teacher at the New York City Board of Education, her journey took her through roles such as a Transition Linkage Coordinator and Behavioral Specialist, culminating in her becoming the Executive Director of Maxabilities Consulting, LLC.

Her dedication to the field led her to found Our Children Can Learn, a non-profit organization that innovates schools and programs for individuals with autism and related symptoms. Suzanne’s exceptional knack for creating and supervising treatment plans, training professionals, and implementing cognitive behavioral techniques has revolutionized the lives of numerous individuals.

Suzanne is a visionary, a trailblazer who has shattered barriers to create pathways of support and independence for individuals with developmental disabilities. Her work echoes her belief that everyone can learn and thrive when given the right support and opportunities.

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”

Helen Keller, American Writer

“Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.”

Jane Goodall, English Primatologist
Years & Older

Empowering Independence. You Deserve It.

Contact us and learn how we can help guide adults with developmental disabilities to thrive.